Friday, August 18, 2017

Chapter 10: The Morning After

Chapter 10
The Morning After
We woke up facing each other with our feet interlocked. She smiled at me, and she looked beautiful with her bare shoulders. It was then she realized that she had taken her bathrobe off in the middle of the night.

“Did we?” I asked. My bathrobe and underwear were still on.

“I don't think so,” she replied, looking embarrassed. She started to pull a sheet around her but then simply walked out of bed, naked, and put on her bathrobe. “I wanted to take a shower,” she explained, “but I never got around to it. Oh, my head.”

I started rummaging through my suitcase for my bottle of Percocet before I remembered I'd kept my small supply in the bathroom. “I think I have some Aleve here.”

“You're not fooling me, buster. Where's the Percocet?”

“I have five pills in a small bag with my toiletries, more at home.”

“Good, they're all mine now. I'll give them out to you as I see fit. Let's see, it's Saturday, right? You'll get one-and-a-half starting today, one starting Monday, and one-half starting Wednesday. Starting Friday, you won't have any.” She handed me a single pill and broke a second one in half. I swallowed the full pill, and she unapologetically swallowed one of the halves.

We sat on the bed. “Did you want to have sex with me last night,” I asked.

“Maybe,” she replied. “I don't remember. Anyway, that ship has sailed.” We lounged back and watched some TV. Her foot found mine.

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