Friday, August 18, 2017

Chapter 21: Cancer

Chapter 21
Brunette Holly found out about Blonde Holly's breast cancer before I did, but she told me right away about it. While the cancer could be cured with radiation and perhaps a simple mastectomy, Blonde Holly became obsessed with something called the Gerson Therapy. Developed in the 1920s by Max Gerson, the Gerson Therapy is based on the idea that migraine headaches and tuberculosis are caused by the the accumulation of toxins in the body. From the 1930s until his death in 1959, Gerson promoted his therapy as a cure for cancer. It consists of a strict diet of fruits and vegetables along with coffee enemas up to five times a day.

It was, of course, total quackery, but with the rise of the internet and YouTube, it had a resurgence. See, in 2008, we were so hopeful. We thought that people believed science, that they saw past fake news and things like race. Now, in 2017, we know that there's a strong undercurrent of unwarranted skepticism. When 97% of climatologists say that climate change is real, that it's caused by human actions, people believe the 3%. When 99% of people in the genetic engineering say that genetically modified foods are safe and better for the environment, people believe the 1%. I wasn't ready for it in 2008, and I don't understand it now.

“Have you ever heard of a billionaire dying of cancer,” blonde Holly asked.

Steve Jobs would die of cancer in 2011 after refusing conventional treatments in favor of juices and vegetables.

“Chemotherapy doesn't shrink breast cancer.”

That's why we use chemotherapy only in advanced cases or before or after surgery.

“Max Gerson was murdered, and all his evidence was destroyed.”

All efforts to replicate his studies have failed.

“I don't want to lose my breast.”

I'll still love you anyway. Holly still loves you. Your kids need you.

“I'm not going to die.”

And she did, on Halloween, 2008.  

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